Collection of surrealist digital art photography created with photoshop.

Digital Art

Do you create or do you document?

This question turned my creative world upside down. For years after beginning my photography journey, I (rather arrogantly) considered myself to be a bit of an artist because I created nice photos. It wasn’t until I was hit with THAT question that I really began to think about my photography process and goals.

I wasn’t truly creating anything with my photography, I was documenting existing conditions (cool architecture, a nice landscape or a beautiful model). I began wondering how I could start to really create, to turn my photography into art in a way I had never managed to before.

Enter Photoshop. The beauty and fun of Photoshop is that it gives me the ability to take my documentation (of places, people and things) and use it to explore ideas and possibilities. To create glimpses into other worlds and alternate realities.